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Data Insights for Associations

Acumen is a data analytics platform built to find actionable insights for associations. Compiling and sifting through data is hard, and finding insights in that data is even harder. Acumen’s dashboards aggregate data from all your important platforms, making it easy for anyone to uncover valuable insights that you can act on.

Insights When You Need Them

At-risk members

Potential registrants

Engaged members

Revenue opportunities

And much more!


Membership Data at Your Fingertips

After an easy integration with your Association Management System (AMS), Acumen gives associations hassle-free access to detailed membership data and trends so you can make more informed business decisions. By leveraging AI within the platform, we categorize members into 5 buckets from Very Likely to Least Likely to renew. Better yet, we assign revenue opportunity to each bucket to help you prioritize your time and resources to improve member retention.

Membership Predictive

Track Event Performance in Real-Time

Increase meeting attendance, target registration campaigns, and reveal registration trends over time with Acumen. We integrate data from your AMS and leading event registration and management tools giving you access to meeting performance dashboards in a single location.

Easily Create Targeted Marketing Lists & Campaigns

Leverage profile, behavior, and engagement data all in one place so you can easily create more segmented lists, personalized content and targeted marketing campaigns. Acumen integrates with all your common marketing automation, email and web tools. The GA4 web analytics dashboard aggregates all your website traffic data into meaningful summary levels including anonymous visitors and known users linked to member and customer records. The Pulse Dashboard provides a snapshot view of how marketing programs are doing that you can share with senior leadership.

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Dive Deeper into Member Engagement

By pulling together your data into Acumen, you can start to understand the different ways your members and non-members engage with your association across all your important touch points. Engagement activities can include membership, sales, registrations, email data, community interactions, product purchases and more. We help you determine appropriate weights for each activity so you get meaningful engagement scores. With Acumen’s filtering capabilities, you can start to see how different member types, titles or demographics engage with you differently and how engagement correlates to retention rates.

Monitor Sales Performance of Products & Services

With Acumen, you can keep track of how your products and services are doing by type, category and subcategory. We aggregate data from your AMS orders and other sources with sales transactions and provide interactive visualizations to make it easy to see how everything is performing. We offer high-level snapshots for senior leadership and mid-level summaries of purchaser demographics, details on top purchasers, and user demographics for creating targeted lists.

The platform offers us an automated tool that quickly provides dashboards to view our data. It allows users to access information in a very simple way without fear they’re going to ‘break it.’

Hector R. Ruiz, VP of Financial Operations, American Society of Nephrology (ASN)

How Acumen Works

Acumen is a software-as-a-service platform solution built using two of the most powerful and well-resourced platforms, Microsoft Power BI and Amazon Web Services. We use hundreds of pre-built integrations into associations’ most commonly-used tech systems to pull all your data together into one place. Once your data is aggregated into our data lake, you have access to hundreds of dashboards and visualizations with just the click of a button. If the dashboards spur additional questions, you can dive deeper into the data using various filters. With single sign-on and a modern user interface, anyone at your association can easily access and navigate Acumen to uncover insights and take action. Our customers find that Acumen helps break down silos so that all areas, including executives, membership, marketing, events, community, learning and technology, start using data to make better decisions together.

Who Acumen Helps

Reggie Henry Headshot

“They don’t feel like a vendor, they feel like part of our strategy. Part of our strategic team that helps us move forward.”

Reggie Henry, Chief Information & Performance Excellence Officer, American Society of Association Executives (ASAE)

See How Acumen Can Help You

Learn more about how we help associations and see Acumen in action.