If you’ve observed a decline in student membership retention or a slowdown in attracting new members, you’re not alone. There’s no one simple reason, and no singular solution. Whether industry-wide shifts, a stale or inapplicable value proposition to the prospective member, or external forces beyond your control, this is happening across the industry; associations aren’t filling the top of that membership pipeline. There’s work to be done, so let’s understand the situation, and what to do about it. To better understand and address this issue, it’s crucial to consider the external factors currently influencing student membership across the board, and what you could do about it.

University Enrollment is Contracting

One factor that nobody can do anything about, the pool associations are pulling from is just smaller. We’re seeing less and less kids moving into higher education, with enrollments dropping over 8 percent between 2010’s all-time peak and 2021. International enrollments are also down in the wake of COVID, dropping more than 11 percent since 2019 according to US News and World Report. And experts aren’t bullish, since the United States has seen a steep drop in birth rates since 2007 leading to fewer high school graduates.

Many Americans now question whether a bachelor’s degree is worth the investment, given the often-disappointing returns in the job market. This leaves associations stuck, simply less opportunity to find new opportunities for recruitment in college halls.

Investing in Student Membership Quality

Dealing with a smaller cohort means improving what’s offered, and keeping the people that are reached interested in the organization. To boost student membership retention and seamlessly transition them into permanent members, associations must rethink their approach. The key lies in meaningful, targeted engagement that offers more touchpoints to connect students to the industry.

Consider strategies like mentorship programs or internship matchmaking, which not only foster connections but also make students feel like they’re on a clear path to success within the association and the broader industry. In a world where students are constantly scanning for better opportunities, providing them with clear insights into the financial benefits and potential lifetime earnings within the industry can be a game-changer. By demonstrating the long-term value of staying in the field, you can help ensure students remain committed to their chosen career path.

Alternatives to Student Membership

It could be that the idea of the student membership itself is becoming outdated. Reflecting on my own experience in my 20s and 30s, I remember how much I bounced around in my career, uncertain of where I wanted to land. This is not a unique experience either, young people regularly take time to find their place and put down roots. During that time, discounted “young professional” memberships made all the difference, allowing me to have the chance to see what’s out there. I joined various associations as I explored my career options and honed my professional development. Today, if you check my LinkedIn, you’ll see a CAE (Certified Association Executive) attached to my name-a credential that traces back to those early “young professional” days. Does your organization offer a clear pathway for younger professionals? Where is the entry point that sets them on a journey toward long-term engagement and growth within your industry?

Associations are increasingly categorizing programs, courses, and even demographics under the banner of mentorship. In an era where digital connections often feel hollow and millennials or Gen Z workers are looking for something real, the power of a genuine community stands out. Building such a community requires effort, but the payoff is immense. When you foster a sense of belonging and support, you cultivate energetic, committed members who are eager to build their careers within your association. While launching a mentorship program might seem resource-intensive, the potential returns make it a strategy worth pursuing.

Student membership faces many headwinds. Understanding what your association faces, where growth and engagement is possible, and whether it’s even a viable pathway to full membership are all vital questions to answer in the coming years.